Job Description:
负责NGCP(National Grid Corporation of the Philippines)的变电站(substation) 项目电气二次设计(secondary design work of substation),对变电站单线图、主要设备如保护、控制设备(single line drawing,protection & control panels) 等有一定了解,要求至少3年以上69kV~230kV变电站设计工作经验(69kV-230kV substation)。
Responsible for secondary design work of substation for NGCP (National Grid Corporation of the Philippines) substation project, single line diagram of substation, main equipment such as protection and control equipment (single line drawing, protection & control panels) If you have a certain understanding, at least 3 years of work experience in 69kV~230kV substation design (69kV-230kV substation) is required.